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The Glory Encounter

The Glory Encounter serves as the 5th Weekend Gathering of LCMIF. Fellowship dinner is always  prepared, and we hear the Word of God from different Pastors within the fellowship or powerful speakers from all over the country. This weekend consist of two days of professional development for  pastors, leaders and ministry workers and activities to bring our fellowship closer together. Saturdays  are for professional development. Sundays are for unity in worship. 

Life Changing Training Room

Yearly LCMIF provides 3-days of professional development, training, and education for bishops,  apostles, prophets, pastors, and adjutants. Study ranges from the history, lifestyle, education  requirements, and purity of the assignments. 

Total Church Conference

A premiere conference designed to advance kingdom excellence and operation within the local  church. A time of refreshing and education for pastors, secondary leaders, ministry workers and the  body of Christ at large. This conference focuses on marriage and ministry, marketing/branding,  shepherd’s care, prayer, musicianship, homiletics/hermeneutics, secondary leadership, church organization and much more. 

REFRESH Pastor's Retreat

A retreat aimed to refresh PASTORS ONLY. Special impartation from our spiritual father, Apostle A.B.  McNair, I with brainstorming sessions to push your local church forward. 

Seniors Retreat

LCMIF has a heart for the seasoned saints and provide an outlet for their growth, relaxation, and fun.

Life Changing Holy Convocation

The Life Changing Holy Convocation is the Official Gathering of the Life Changing Ministries International Fellowship. Pastors, Churches, and Leaders of LCMIF come together for professional  development, instruction, and apostolic impartation. LCMIF Pastors and kingdom voices of great  influence and expertise and impart into the Pastors, and Churches of LCMIF.

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